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Red Blood Cells, Packed

Test Name:Red Blood Cells, Packed
Epic Order Code:Orderable by requisition only
CPT Code:P9021  
Specimen(s) Type:Plasma, 5.0 mL for every 6 units ordered; must be collected within 72 hours of transfusion.
Acceptable Container(s):closeup of specimen collection tubespecimen collection tubeTube top is purple (lavender) or pink.
Testing Schedule:24 hours/day, 7 days/week.
Turn Around Time:STAT: NA  
 Routine: 1.5-3 hours
Collection Information:A hematocrit determination must be performed before red cells are ordered and the result must be entered on the requisition form. A one hour post transfusion hematocrit is recommended. Obtain by standard collection procedures.
Transport Information:Deliver to lab immediately. All specimens must be signed into the laboratory.
Reference Clients:If unable to deliver to the lab immediately, store and transport specimen at 2-8° C. Specimen must be received in the lab within 48 hours. All specimens drawn as outpatients will be for informational purposes only - not for transfusion.
Causes for Rejection:Improperly labeled, incorrect container, contaminated, insufficient quantity, incorrect/delay in transport, grossly hemolyzed, failure to provide a properly completed Requisition Form and/or a Blood Infusion form.
Reference Range:NA  
Additional Information:Crossmatched blood is held for 72 hours. Blood crossmatched for a particular patient is canceled automatically after 72 hours or at 12 midnight of the third day. The transfusion service should be notified as soon as it is known that the patient will not need transfusion so that the blood can be used for some other patient.
 Indications For Use: Red cells are indicated for treatment of anemia in normovolemic patients who require only an increase in oxygen carrying capacity and red cell mass. The transfusion requirements of each patient should be based on clinical status as well as any predetermined hematocrit or hemoglobin values. Hospital established criteria for the transfusion of red blood cells include: hemoglobin less than 8 g/dl or hematocrit less than 24% plus (a) patient symptomatic or (b) there is evidence of acute blood loss or (c) signs of acute hypoxia or (d) imminent surgery. Other indications include transfusion due to sickle cell disease and pregnancy.
 **All illegible/mislabeled specimen will be destroyed. There are no exceptions**